
About A Freezing Father's Fundraiser

A Freezing Father’s Fundraiser is the brainchild of Ben and Elan’s Dad, Peter Burgess. Winter camping has always been a favorite of his, and when he announced his intentions to camp out in plummeting temperatures for a week . . . . well, it sounded just as nutty then as some might find it now. Peter will continue to pay tribute to Elan in these and other ways. We always promised we’d keep our memories of her safe, and this event is one way we do that. 

Nursing staff

This year A Freezing Father’s Fundraiser pays tribute to nursing staff everywhere. Our Stollery Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses and Nursing Aids were there from the get go, caring for Elan, her big brother Ben and for us very anxious parents. They lent a sympathetic ear, answered our questions, sometimes more than once or twice. They played soft, gentle music in Elan’s room which seemed to have a calming effect on visitors and family alike. They gave us a lovely and colorful Elan-sized quilt which had been sewn by a volunteer, and tucked Elan in as we whispered desperately in her ear to fight back. At some point the energy in the room shifted to that of grace . . . our messages gradually turned to soft words of permission for her to let go . . . she had fought so hard . . . she was tired. The nursing staff were with us every step of the way.

By the numbers - Where your donation goes


Thank you for your generous gift! You helped purchase state-of-the-art equipment for the Stollery PICU.

The PICU transport team received two high-flow oxygen ventilators ($3,860 each) and three humidifiers ($1,850 each) and related components for a total of $15,500.

The system delivers heated and humidified air during ground or air transport of little ones receiving ventilation. This method is used in two ways: via high-flow nasal cannula placed in the nostrils, or via CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure). The result is fewer instances of intubation, where a tube is placed down the throat to the lungs helping the child breathe during transport.

The Neo-pod “T” is a portable humidification system which works with items mentioned above, ensuring the proper amount of heated and humidified oxygen is given to the child whether transport is brief or lengthy. It also prevents the child from breathing in secretions – like phlegm from the lungs – which we all produce and cough to eliminate ($2,275).

The PICU also received two pieces of equipment which give physicians a much closer look at bladders and veins, right at the bedside. A bladder scanner ($15,000) provides fast and non-invasive assessments which quickly help diagnose conditions like urinary retention and urinary tract complications, preventing unnecessary catheterization, all of which reduce the risk of infection. Fast, efficient and easy to use, the bladder scanner also reduces costs.

Children have tiny veins and limited access points due to their size and the presence of “baby fat”. Each needle “stick” creates anxiety for both patients and families. The VeinViewer ($8,000) projects a light on the skin, illuminating veins as deep as 15 mm. It is 100% more successful on the first try, decreasing the need for complicated and lengthy procedures. Children find it is a pleasant distraction, helping them to relax and the procedure to go more smoothly. VeinViewer’s projected vein width displays with near perfect accuracy, and patient satisfaction increases by 100%.

The remaining $6,500 has been given to the PICU, which will be designated as they deem appropriate.